If you SCUBA dive often, you know servicing your gear should occur after about 100 dives for equipment longevity. You should also clean their gear after each dive. Find out the best way to clean your SCUBA gear.
Wetsuit, Drysuit, Booties, and Gloves Care
Wetsuits, dry suits, booties, and gloves use expensive neoprene materials. It is recommended to wash them in wetsuit shampoo. Don't rush to throw your wetsuit or dry suit into the washer with any store-bought detergent. The best way to wash your wetsuit is with wetsuit shampoo. Soak it in baking soda beforehand for extra cleaning power. To ensure your suit lasts longer and keeps its flexibility, soak it in lukewarm water. Keep it out of the heat for extended usage. You can use a toothbrush to dislodge any dirt or sand that comes in contact with your zipper. Wash your gloves and booties like wetsuits. If you are cleaning a dry suit, spray off dirt with water and wash with a high-quality dry suit shampoo. You can use wetsuit shampoo if needed. Make sure you protect your dry suit zippers with a bee's wax-based lubricant to detract dirt. Clean your wetsuit and dry suit daily so that they will not erode over time or grow bacteria. Properly dry the inside of your booties and gloves with a paper towel to prevent mold growth.
Masks, Fins, Snorkels, Regulators, and Mouthpieces
All of these items need sanitization regularly. Before cleaning, make sure all items are unbuckled, taken apart gently, and placed in cool water. Make sure the dust cap is dry, clean, and secured over the inlet. Masks, fins, snorkels, regulators, and mouthpieces should soak in warm soapy water until the dirt dislodges. Following the soak, sanitize these items in solutions designed specifically for diving gear.
Buoyancy Control Devices
These devices are very intricate and easy to mess up. You do not want water trapped inside of this device. Follow these detailed steps to clean the buoyancy control device.
- Gently rinse your BCD and use a brush with wetsuit shampoo to handwash your BCD on the outside.
- Dump all of the water out of the bladder.
- Use your low-pressure inflator hose to pour cold, clean water into the bladder to wash out excess old water.
- Rinse your BCD on the inside and outside.
- Invert the BCD so that the inflator hose is the lowest point, and pour out the excess water.
- Inflate the BCD halfway and allow it to dry completely.
For tanks, keep moisture out by filling to 25-500 PSI. Chlorine and salt can erode your tank over time. Rinse your tank with water and wipe it down after coming into contact with chlorine. If a bit of rust appears on the outside you can use a brush and dish soap to clean it away. Rust on the inside is very difficult to remove and can permanently damage your tanks rendering them harmful to your breath. The only lubricant you should ever use on your equipment is beeswax. Oil attracts dirt and, petroleum jelly can ruin your rubber O-rings.